Saturday, December 31, 2016

Re-Porter Blog: 2016 Year End Post

Hello Followers. Welcome to the final hours of 2016. The year has been tough for many people but the feeling of a fresh start is coming close to fruition as the new year inches closer and closer. From a movie standpoint, records were broken, franchises came back, and a sense of awe, beauty, and inspiration were at the forefront. As 2017 comes within our grasp, let's take a look back at the moments and standout films that rocked 2016.

Top Takeaways of 2016

With all the big hits that came in 2016, there were still a handful of films that failed to meet expectations critically and box office wise. From films that were decent but didn't bring in the dollars to films that quite frankly should have stayed in development, The subpar performance of these cinematic duds proves that big budgets and obligatory sequels don't always equal big money or success. Who knew...

When you make a film based on a beloved property, staying true to what makes the source material special is essential and often hard to do. Thankfully, a number of films went the extra mile to stay true to the spirit of their world and setting. From the Star Wars spinoff, the third Star Trek installment, and even the TMNT reboot sequel of all things, the movies did a good job of conveying the essence of the mythos and elements of their Universe.

If you needed further indication that Disney rules the world, than look no further that the critical and box office domination of one of the premier studios in entertainment. From the stand out opening films from Marvel Studios Phase 3, Disney Animation Studios' 2 nearly flawless masterpieces, the unique and promising start to the Star Wars spin off series, and a few surprise hits over the summer, Disney has been incredibly consistent throughout the year with all their cinematic divisions firing on all cylinders. If that wasn't enough, Disney now holds the title of the first major studio to have the highest earned box office revenue in a calendar year with an astounding $7 billion dollars worldwide. To quote a famous mouse: HOT DOG!!!!!!!

In the reborn heavyweight fight between two cinematic superhero franchises, the first round...wasn't even close. DC dished out their two ambitious projects featuring Task Force X, Batman, and Superman. But instead of praise, both films received polarizing backlash from fans and critics alike. Suicide Squad for being watered-down and choppy and Batman v Superman for being dark, humorless, and narratively inept. In contrast, Marvel Studios released arguably two of the most entertaining films of the year with Captain America Civil War nabbing the title as the highest grossing film of 2016. With an equally loaded lineup from both studios set for 2017, only time will tell if round 2 will see DC evening the score or Marvel creating some distance.

Now before we get to my top five films of the year, here are my five runner up nominated choices.

The third installment of the comedic series featuring Ice Cube and Cedric The Entertainer transcended it's predecessors in every way possible. While it did maintain elements that defined the franchise like shop banter and up to date topics on black issues, the film created a strong socially conscious and emotionally strong plot with a message about the importance of taking the steps to fix problems in the place you call home. Couldn't be prouder of this engaging film that is equally funny as well as heartfelt.

With two action packed adventures under their belt. The crew of the USS Enterprise came strong in their most challenging and Authentic Star Trek adventure yet. With a strong connection to the series' roots while still having the awesome action that has defined the rebooted series, Star Trek Beyond became a fun love letter to the series and a more than fitting way to honor the 50th anniversary

A beautifully moving and smart Sci-fi odyssey, Denise Villeneuve brings a tale of courage, tension, and the importance of connection in this sure fire Oscar contender. Amy Adams gives a phenomenal performance in a film that requires both an open mind and an open heart.

Arguably one of Marvel Studios most risky and ambitious projects, Doctor Strange was just as fun, action packed, and engaging as any MCU film that came before it. A stellar visual thrill ride, Doctor Strange benefited from terrific performances from Benedict Cumberbatch and others and signifies the growing moxie of the cinematic universe as it heads further into Phase 3.

Many people know about the story of Luke Skywalker destroying the Death Star. But many people don't know the story about how it became possible until now. Rogue One gave fans and newcomers to the franchise a look into the daring untold mission that changed the fate of the galaxy. Brimming with humor, action, and a seamless transition into A New Hope, Rogue One continues the reinvigoration of the Star Wars franchise while kicking off the Anthology series with promise and potential.

And Now I Present To You The Re-Porter Blog...

Divided They Fell

Phase 3's opening film provided us with one of the biggest cinematic bonanzas of the year. With a deep plot, awesome characters, and incredibly rich and adrenaline induced action, Civil War was one of the most entertaining and spectacular films to come in 2016. Who knows what the rest of Phase 3 has in store as the road to Infinity War inches closer.

Check Out The Behind The Scenes B-Roll Footage

Welcome to Zoo York

One of Disney Animation Studios' most socially conscious and proactive films offered a powerful in-the-mirror glance at the world we live in. Racial profiling, stereotypes, prejudice and other thematic themes within the film offer eerily similar contrast to the society we live in today. A movie that is equally smart as it is funny, Zootopia is one the studio's best animated films in the current decade.

Check Out The Behind The Scenes B-Roll Footage

Unforgettable In Every Way

13 years is a long time to wait for a sequel you actually want. But if the end result is like Finding Dory, the wait will always be worth it. Rich with beautiful animation and an emotionally charged story, Finding Dory sees Dory developed beautifully as a character and offers thought provoking themes and hilarious moments continue to show Pixar has a new found confidence that allows for the type of magic we are used to seeing.

Check Out The Behind The Scenes B-Roll Footage

The Ocean Calls

Never has a movie sent chills through my body from start to finish. The film about one girl's quest to find herself and save her island was a visually stunning and emotionally rich experience. Awesome voice acting from Dwayne Johnson and newcomer Auli'i Cravalho as well as an amazing musical score from Lin-Manuel Miranda, Disney Animation makes one of the best musical adventure of the decade.

Check Out The Behind The Scenes B-Roll Footage

A New Wizarding Era

JK Rowling pulled us back into the world of witches and wizards with loving and open arms. With a new cast of characters and a new setting, the film gave us an expanded look into the vast wizarding world behind humor, excitement, and emotionally strong storytelling. A promising start to this new era of magic.

Check Out The Behind The Scenes B-Roll Footage

A truly great year for films. As we head  into the new year,remember treat everyone with kindness and compassion. Show love to those you know and those you don't. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Have a safe New Year Eve followers and I'll see you in 2017!!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Re-Porter Blog: Rogue One Special

Cruel, brilliant, and determined to prove his undying dedication to the Empire, Director Orson Krennic oversees the development of the latest imperial weapon of destruction, the Death Star. Despite his passion for the project, Krennic truly desires being one of the Emperor's most trusted advisors. That spot is currently filled by the presence of the sith lord Darth Vader. 

Played By

Ben Mendelsohn

Known for his breakout show in the Netflix series, Bloodlines, Mendelsohn has garnered a cult following that is eager to see him take a role in one of the most iconic franchises in cinema. With the down to earth charisma off screen, Mendelsohn offers terrific veteran with a great dose of Star Wars fanboy.

  Ben's Unforgettable and Nerdy Entrance at Celebration 2016

 A normal working class employee for the Imperial cause, Bodhi Rook lives his life day to day trying to make an honest living for himself. But when he see the horror of what the Empire stands for, he makes a bold statement and takes a bold leap of faith to secure a future of freedom for the Galaxy in which he calls home

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Riz Ahmed

An incredibly gifted and versatile actor whose resume includes various critically acclaimed films like Nightcrawler and Elysium, Ahmed is more than qualified for any role he comes across. But when it came to Star Wars, he might have went a little overboard.

Riz's Story of Flooding Gareth Edwards' Email

Once a skilled assassin and hired gun, mercenary Baze Malbus' viewpoints changed when the Empire came and brought pain and tyranny to his home world. Along with his best friend and spiritual guide Chirrut Imwe, he jumps at the chance to take the fight to the empire and avenge the losses of those he has held most dear.

Played By

Jiang Wen
A writer, director, and actor based out of Beijing, China, Wen has various cinematic credits on the east coast. Rogue One will actually be his first big American movie role as he takes the reigns as hardened mercenary turned rebel warrior.

A kind and brave soul that walks by faith and not sight. Blind monk Chirrut Imwe has an unshakable faith in the ways of the force as he believes it helps guide him when his sight cannot. Despite his blindness, Imwe has honed his body throughly and is exceptionally skilled in combat. In the fight against the Empire, his faith in the force will help guide him to be an asset to bringing the dream of a free galaxy to all.

Played By
Donnie Yen

Widely known as an international superstar, Donnie Yen has already established himself as a legend the world over. Adding Star Wars to his resume will  help solidify his reach and take his already large fan base to new heights.

Reprogrammed to assist the Rebel Alliance, K-2SO is the right hand companion of Captain Cassian Andor. Standing at over 7 feet tall, K-2 provides much needed support in times of need. However, unlike most protocol droids, K-2SO comes off as a little unfiltered sometimes resulting in some very uncomfortable moments among his teammates. But when the going gets tough, there is no better asset to have in the field.

Played By
Alan Tudyk
A beloved voice actor and all around talent with a resume that is extensive (and heavily Disney related), Tudyk is one of the most versatile actors on screen and in the recording booth. His recent credits include Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen, Moana, Zootopia, Transformers Dark of the Moon, and Firefly.

Alan Tudyk interview at Star Wars Celebration

A seasoned veteran among the collection of Alliance soldiers. Captain Cassian Andor is a highly intelligent and morally grounded officer in the Rebel Alliance. Always looking to help and loyal to his team, Cassian does what needs to be done to preserve the survival of the rebellion and bring a light of hope to a galaxy suffering under the grip of the Empire

Played By
Diego Luna
A talented actor who has been in the business since childhood, Diego Luna represent the growing diversity that is becoming ever present in the new age of Star Wars. Not afraid to show his excitement for getting the role of a lifetime, Luna sees this as a chance to live out his fantasy he has had since he was a boy and share this amazing journey with his loving family.

Diego talking about his son's love of Star Wars

Reckless, aggressive, undisciplined, and no stranger to trouble or mischief, Jyn Erso is the definition of the word Rebel. A skilled fighter with a nose for giving the Empire grief, Erso wants nothing more than to watch the Empire burn and have galaxy free of its corrupt hands. To bring hope to people everywhere, Erso must put her hardness aside and put her trust around the people she teams up with if she hopes to restore freedom to the Galaxy and save the little bit of family she has left.

Played By
Felicity Jones

Despite being in mainstream film for about five years, Felicity Jones has managed to become one of the most promising up and coming actresses of her generation. With a resume that includes an Academy Award nomination, Jones takes the reings as the brave and fierce protagonist looking to bring a galaxy closer to salvation.

Jones Demonstrating one of her Fight Scenes

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The fight to save the galaxy takes center stage in the first ever Star Wars standalone spinoff film. Like all of you, I am beyond excited to see this all new take on the Star Wars universe. Make sure to gather your friends and be prepared to experience the story that started it all. Enjoy the movie followers and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!!!!